Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1st Blog

life sucks...its hard...wish it was easy...

I love the days when you forget about all of life's problems, and life is fun

But then, as it always does, reality rears its ugly head, and you remember all your problems...

How your life is going towards a cliff, and you're powerless to do anything but watch it go down...

Some say that you can fix all problems, but sometimes you know the solution, but aren't strong enough or brave enough to follow through with it

I think of leaving every day...starting my life anew...starting it off my life how I want to...then reality hits me

Some days are the gloomiest...but even in this hell-like existence, there are good times interspersed...times when I'm having so much fun...but even during those times, I look around me and see happy fulfilled people...and know that i am incomplete